Loren CarrJan 11, 20181 min readHELEN MARTENHelen Marten creates installations using screen printing, sculpture and her own written work. She was the Turner Prize winner in 2016....
Loren CarrJan 11, 20181 min readJOAN MIROJoan Miro (1893-1983) was a Spanish sculptor, painter and ceramicist. His paintings are seen to be about surrealism. His paintings...
Loren CarrJan 11, 20181 min readZAHA HADIDZaha Hadid was an Architect and founded Zaha Hadid Architects in 1979. She created drawings and paintings which were a way of helping her...
Loren CarrJan 11, 20181 min readFRANK NITSCHEFrank Nitsche is a German painter. He paints large abstract pieces. He works from photographs which he abstracts, focusing on shapes and...
Loren CarrJan 5, 20181 min readHANNAH HEWETSON Hannah Hewetson’s work reveals the method she uses to create her paintings by layering paint and stencilled marks, then sanded them down....
Loren CarrJan 5, 20181 min read CORNELIA BALTESCornelia Baltes is a German artist. She creates paintings, sculptures and installations. Her work includes abstraction but is also...
Loren CarrJan 5, 20181 min readIVON HITCHENSIvon Hitchens was an English painter. He mostly painted landscape paintings. Expressive brush strokes are an important part in Hitchens...
Loren CarrJan 5, 20181 min readTHOMAS SCHEIBITZThomas Scheibitz is a German Sculptor and Painter. His paintings concentrate on shapes and colours. Block colours are used to fill...