•Ralf Broeg is an artist. He has created many different types of artwork. Geometric shapes and forms are found in a lot of his works. He has created many artworks including, paintings, printing, photography, furniture, drawing, installation, wall painting, sculpture, architecture, design, public space. He is interested in space, sound and created a sound installation in an Underground station. Other projects he has produced are ‘Fading’ and ‘sunset’ which were projects that he created of the interior of kitchens. Elements that were interests and thought about in these pieces were colour schemes, painting and interior. Site specific and public art feature in his works. ‘Fuzzy Logics’ is another project he created. He looked at historical paintings and created his own paintings based on the conceptual techniques and the physical processes of painting. The paintings were abstract and included shapes and interesting colours in them. Presentation is also a key part and interest throughout the work Broeg creates.